By Damani Eason; The Whetstone 

A college administration’s job is to be upfront and honest with its community, including students, faculty, alumni, and staff members.

During the two years I have been a Wesley College student, Wesley’s administration has failed to be upfront and honest with its community.

The lies began in 2019 when I was a high school senior. During my tour of Wesley College, I saw and was told about all of the dorms, gyms, and the cafeteria.

However, no one talked to me about the college’s financial troubles.

I do not blame the tour guide for this.

I blame Wesley’s administration for not being honest with its student body so that the tour guides could be honest with their college prospects.

The lies continued when I officially became a Wesley College student, and I only found out the truth about the school’s money issues from other students.

They told me the college had been losing money for the past several years, and it showed by the decreasing number of students and events on campus.

Last summer, the school officially announced that it had been acquired by Delaware State University. The administration kept saying that everything would stay the same.

That was another lie.

This hit home the most for students when the school announced there would no longer be Division III sports at Wesley.

Although many of us suspected it was inevitable, DSU announced only last December that it will not continue Wesley’s Division III status.

Wesley failed to tell its student body this news until mid-February – only two months ago – when sports teams were getting ready to prepare for their COVID-limited games.

Students felt blindsided and betrayed.

Not only were students affected by the administration’s lack of transparency, faculty and staff members were affected tremendously.

They were under the impression they would have job security with the “merger,” which was later turned into an acquisition.

That was yet another lie.

Some faculty and staff recently got emails telling them they would not have a chance at a job this fall; others got letters saying they will be considered.

The college failed at being upfront and honest with its community, leaving many lives in limbo, including faculty, staff and students.

Someone needs to be held accountable for all of the harm that the school has inflicted on its community.