By Brielle Braxton-Young, The Whetstone

Student organizations are making the spring semester at Wesley College one to remember, with events ranging from a block party to a trip to New York City and a never before seen fashion show.

Student organizations, including the Black Student Union (BSU), Student Activities Board (SAB), and Creative Attributions (CA), are hosting the events.

On Feb. 28, BSU held its Soul Food and Chill.

“We just wanted students to enjoy some soul food before leaving for spring break,” Rex Chege, BSU president, said. “We had fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, collard greens, and yams”

Like other organization on campus, BSU hasn’t had many events thus far but they do plan on working with other organizations for future events.

“Usually we collaborate with (Alpha Phi Omega) APO and do the variety show but that’s not happening this semester,” he said. “Our main event is happening at the end of the semester, which is the BSU Block Party. We are going to be collaborating with (Leaders Empowering for Tomorrow) L.E.F.T.”

SAB president Jeanerre Smith wishes that students would attend and try new things

“We always have novelties here in the CC but I always see the same faces,” she said. “Some of the novelties include Stuff your Plush the Wednesday before Valentine’s Day, a bus trip to New York in March, and Homecoming Reloaded in April. We will be doing a lot more bus trips, showing movies and of course having novelties”

Creative Attributions plans on having one of the biggest fashion shows for students on campus.

“Our biggest event will be the spring fashion show this year,” Corey Johnson, president of the organization, said. “This is my last year, and I have really built CA up to what it is now, so of course I have to go all out!”

There are many student organizations but few are active. One thing that seems consistent is everyone planning for April to host their big events.

Some students said this could be a problem

“There are a lot of scheduling difficulties coming with events,” Johnson said. “The school makes it hard with the whole Room Reservation and EIF process, so aiming for April gives student organizations more time to plan things out properly instead of feeling rushed.”

For more about events look out for the “What’s Happening at Wesley” emails from Mark Berry director of Student Life.